A Message from Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam of Solace

April 16, 2020
Solace Asia

Six years have passed since the day I decided to establish Solace out of the need to provide a safe space where those suffering from addiction, could receive the treatment they most needed.

Since the first day, our mission has always been to offer the highest quality care in the addiction and co-occurring treatments, in the most appropriate and safest setting and in a caring and loving way to our clients and their significant others. It is still incredible to me how in only 6 years, we were able to provide support and treatment to over 600 individuals and their loved ones. For this, I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of our Solace family, whom daily take at heart the well being of everyone that walks through our doors.

Solace is now a point of reference in Malaysia and beyond, to all those inflicted by the disease of addiction,something of which I remind myself to be proud of. However, the journey was never smooth and like many other organizations made of people for the people, we have come to numerous crossroads to be where we are today.  

Undoubtedly, the Covid-19 emergency we are facing, it is probably the biggest challenge of all for Solace. I am confident in giving you my word that, even though we are facing something unprecedented, at Solace we have a way of coming out of difficult situations stronger than before. We will overcome this and you can count on that.

The current pandemic and lockdown in most countries have caused added stressors to anyone dealing not only with addiction but other mental health disorders as well. It is for this reason,that we are committing ourselves to five points which I am listing below, to provide as much support and relief as possible, to anyone in distress.

* Starting from today, we have expanded our clinical services from addictions to mental health treatment as well, in line with the added stressors people confined at home are facing.

* With the current emergency affecting economies around the world, we are working towards lowering our costs, so that anyone can afford and benefit from counseling and psychotherapy during these challenging times.

* As we continue learning more on how to prevent and limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we are continuously adapting to stricter guidelines and new SOP’s to ensure constant protection for all our residential clients and members of staff, during and after the end of the self-quarantine period.

*As the practices for addiction and mental health disorders constantly evolve, we are committed to enhanced research and development of our clinical methods, to offer the highest quality clinical services available in the world to date.

* From the first stages of this emergency that began roughly a month ago, we foresaw a rise in mental disorders caused by the uncertain future, social distancing measures and restricted mobility. Something needed to be done to bring treatment to those unable to come to us, and for the past month we have worked tirelessly to create what is now known as Solace Virtual Recovery Program. We know the struggles and we haven’t forgotten you,thanks to the use of technology we are now bringing treatment to your home. To know more we have a dedicated web page, here

If there is something unique that characterizes the human race, is the power and ability of being resilient in the face of adversity. This too shall pass and united we will overcome this; it is just a matter of time.

Until then, I would like to invite everyone to be safe, to abide to the guidelines of the World Health Organization and to cherish the gift of life.

See you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Prem Kumar Shanmugam

CEO & Clinical Director

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Why Choose Us?

Our values make us the best addiction treatment facility in the region.


We offer addiction treatment services to clients and their families. As the first private residential rehab in Malaysia, we set the benchmark for ethical treatment.


We have the ability to provide treatment not only in English, but also Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin, Cantonese and even Arabic! We are truly local yet global.


All our treatment has the Asian culture embedded in our modalities. We are 100% locally owned and operated agency, every center in Asia are owned by expatriates.


We don't only do Addiction Treatment, we also teach it! We are a NAADAC Approved Education Provider. We are also on Udemy, the worlds largest education platform.

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